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3 FAQs Regarding Bounty Hunters

Admin • October 25, 2019
Bounty Hunters — Gun and Wanted Post in Pensacola, FL
Movies about the old west often portray bounty hunters, but believe it or not, bounty hunters still exist. They are often hired by bail bond lending companies to prevent losing money if a client runs or skips their hearing. If you know someone who was recently released on bail and you are wondering what a bounty hunter may be able to do, keep reading to learn more.
1. Will a Bounty Hunter Come After You?
Bounty hunters are usually hired by bail bond agents, but not all agents choose to use bounty hunters. So whether or not a bounty hunter will come for you depends on the bail loan provider. However, when you sign a contract with the bail bond agent, it usually includes an agreement that you can be arrested by a bail bond agent and taken to any state.

Of course, a bounty hunter won’t come arrest you for no reason. You have to miss your court hearing or strongly indicate you plan to skip the hearing (for example, if you leave the state without notifying anyone).

The reason for arresting you and taking you back to jail is to ensure the lender is reimbursed for their loan. If you go missing and no one can find you, the lender may have to absorb the loss or go after your co-signer.

Once you are back in jail, the money can be returned to the lender. You will still have to repay any interest and may have to choose a new lender for future bail. Of course, skipping bail is a huge red flag and may prevent you from being granted bail in the future.
2. What Are the State or Federal Regulations?
Individual states are largely responsible for setting the regulations for bounty hunters. In some states, the regulations are so strict that bounty hunting is virtually impossible. In Florida, bounty hunting is legal only in the form of a bail bond agent and is controlled by the Division of Insurance Agent and Agency Services. Bail bond agents can work as "bounty hunters" to pursue and arrest fugitives.

In order to be a bail bond agent in Florida, however, you need a license. At first, while training, you'll need a temporary license, then after you've gotten enough hours and have passed the exam, you can get a license to be a professional bail bond agent or a resident limited surety agent.

The regulations regarding conduct also vary. In most cases, if the bounty hunter or bail agent knows a certain home is yours, they can go inside to arrest you. They cannot go inside the home of anyone else without a warrant. Bounty hunters and bail agents are also prohibited from following you to a different country.
3. Can Bounty Hunters Use Weapons?
Bounty hunters often carry a gun, but they have to follow all gun laws. Therefore, they can't take it onto a plane, and they may need another gun permit if they take the gun to a different state. Some bounty hunters may also carry mace as their weapon of choice.

In most cases, a bounty hunter can't use excessive force to apprehend you. This may include shooting you to slow you down or violently tackling you when you haven't resisted.

But regardless of tactics, most bounty hunters use surprise to make their arrests instead of violence.

A bounty hunter can collect you and take you back to jail, but they still have to follow the laws while pursuing you. However, under the right circumstances, they can arrest you, and the court will likely revoke your bail.

If you need to know more about bail, or if you need to schedule bail for a loved one, contact us at Matt McKeehan Bail Bonds today.
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